〔Unburdening the Bestial Soul〕

[ani] +1 stealth action. Move 1 or more blood from this vampire to any other vampire.

[obe] As [ani] above, and untap this acting vampire.

[OBE] (D) Put this card on an ally or a younger vampire. The minion with this card cannot take actions, block or play reaction cards. During this minion's untap phase, this card is burned unless this acting vampire burns 2 blood.

劣化版〔Sensory Deprivation〕か、と思ったらさにあらず。
Take Actionできないってことは、ずっと立ちっぱなしになるんですよね。

つまり、〔Spirit Mationette〕のターゲットロックオン!みたいな、そんなかんじ。